New Headteacher Appointed

Dear Parent/Carer,
The School is delighted to confirm that Michael Gannon has been appointed as Headteacher at Higham Lane School from 1 September 2023.
Michael is joining us from the Arthur Terry Learning Partnership (ATLP), a large multi-academy trust based in Sutton Coldfield. Michael has worked in education for nearly twenty years and has experience in a range of roles across the Trust including Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, Head of Sixth Form and Trust Strategic Lead for Pastoral Support.
Higham Lane School have agreed a start date for Michael with the ATLP for 1 September 2023. This is ahead of the typical January 2024 start that would ordinarily be expected given national teachers' resignations dates and protocol.
Furthermore, for the first half term of the new academic year, it has been agreed that Michael will work at Higham Lane School for four days per week and will continue to support his existing employer for the remaining one day per week. Michael will commence his Headteacher role at Higham Lane School on a full-time basis from after the October half term break. Peter Banks, current Acting Headteacher, will deputise on the day Michael is supporting the ATLP for the first half term.
Best wishes,
Higham Lane School