The School’s strategic aims of its Travel Plan are: -
- To promote and improve access and facilities which supports those accessing the school’s services or facilities to do so on foot, by bike and by public transport;
- To ensure there is adequate parking on the school site for its existing and new staff;
- To encourage more sustainable car use;
- To minimise the level of traffic in the area, especially at peak times;
- Ensure that the development of the school’s estate supports the Travel Plan;
- To monitor the Travel Plan to ensure targets are met.
Furthermore, Higham Lane School is committed to: -
- Encouraging sustainable travel options to its pupils;
- Reducing carbon emissions and climate impacts;
- Improving health outcomes and quality of life;
- Improving the road safety knowledge of its pupils.
Students that live reasonable distances away from school should refer to the bus timetables provided in the Sixth Form Centre for appropriate route information. Students living in close proximity should walk or cycle to the School.
Please find below details of Bus routes and timetables.
Sixth Form Welcome
Why Choose Higham Lane Sixth Form?
Exams and Performance
Managing examination anxiety
Remote Learning
School Policies
Sixth Form Bursary
Sixth Form Day Timings
Term Dates
Year 13 Destinations
Virtual 360 Tour
Year 12 Experience Day 2024
Year 12 Parents Information Presentation
Year 13 Information Evening