Year 13 Destinations
Destinations 2023
Correct as of 30th September 2023.
Higher Education | 62 | 62% |
Apprenticeships | 5 | 5% |
Employment | 4 | 4% |
Gap/undecided | 25 | 25% |
Further Education | 0 | |
Forces/Public Services | 3 | 3% |
99 |
A few of our students gained degree apprenticeships, one reading Law at Cambridge, four securing places for medicine, over 30% of HE applicants securing places at Russell Group universities and so many more positive pathways, adventures and new chapters.
Sixth Form Welcome
Why Choose Higham Lane Sixth Form?
Exams and Performance
Managing examination anxiety
Remote Learning
School Policies
Sixth Form Bursary
Sixth Form Day Timings
Term Dates
Year 13 Destinations
Virtual 360 Tour
Year 12 Experience Day 2024
Year 12 Parents Information Presentation
Year 13 Information Evening